Who in the world decided that pregnant women not only have to deal with morning sickness, but also things like hyperemesis Gravidarum? This rare condition affects women by causing severe nausea and vomiting that can cause them to lose weight, last even after the 20th week of pregnancy, dehydration and having to go to the hospital because of the severe dehydration and mineral and vitamin defieciencies
Being almost 32 weeks pregnant now, this has caused significant difficulty for me. Being hospitalized 3 times now, blown veins, no sleep, constant need of nausea medications, bland diets all seem to be piling up. What has helped me is to eat smaller meals, staying away from beef and spicy things and eating mostly chicken.
Being so close to having her in my arms seems a necessary sacrifice if I can get her here safely. I will gladly do whatever I need to do to make sure that she is happy and healthy. I communicate with my doctor's and they continue to try to help me find ways to minimize my condition so that I can gain the necessary weight while staying healthy myself. I want to stay as positive as I can, because I know that it is not my fault and I have to just be patient with myself and what is happening,